🚨ROUND 1 invites out now!! 🚨

15 Mar by Sydney Wilson

Round 1 invites are out now!!
Make sure you are checking your USASA.org accounts for invites. Registration for the first round will close on March 18th at Midnight. Once you lose your invite you CAN NOT get it back so make sure to get it done ASAP, don’t wait until the last minute!

We still have limited spots open for coaching with the Midwestbest coaches PLUS three Olympic Coaches, Nick Baumgartner for Boardercross, Justin Reiter for Alpine, and Louie Vito for Slopestyle!
Please contact either Me (Sydney 414-232-9266 or sydney@wilsonlife.com) or Dana (414-335-7456 or dana@midwestbest.org) if you are interested in coaching!

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